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Holy Spirit GNS, Ballymun, Dublin

Mid - term Creative Workshops for Children

17th Feb 2021

Thursday 18th February 2021

Friday 19th February 2021


10.30 am         ( 6   -    8   age ) 

12 noon           ( 9   -    12  age ) 


Cabra Library is running free online workshops called " The Record Keepers". 

Booking -

Materials you might need: 

2 sheets of paper, anything you might want to draw with and an object that would make you happy to draw like a toy or a stone or a pinecone or even a book - it is up to you!


I hope you have fun :) 

Happy mid - term to all of our girls at Holy Spirit GNS!

Miss all your faces,

Grace Kearney the Home School Teacher 

087 6210275