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Holy Spirit GNS, Ballymun, Dublin


How much time for homework?

The following are guidelines for time spent on homework. Different children will complete the same homework in different lengths of time. Time will vary from day to day and also from the beginning to the end of the school year. It is important to remember that it is the quality and not the quantity of homework that matters.

It is very important that you speak with the class teacher if your child is having difficulty with their homework

The following are guidelines only:

Junior Infants

Time:10-15 minutes per night (Monday - Thursday)

Term 1: Pre-writing activities, Jolly Phonic sound book and CAPER books.

Parents are encouraged to help their child to:

  • Count(1-20)
  • Identify numbers (1-5)
  • Recognise shapes (circle, square, triangle and rectangle) and all colours.
  • Speak in sentences
  • Answer questions
  • Read stories/nursery rhymes
  • Retell stories

Term 2: Written homework, Jolly Phonics word boxes sent home to practice blending.

Term 3 : Word lists, formal reading homework book, CAPER


Senior Infants

10-15 minutes per night (Monday - Thursday)

Reading: 2 pages approx. and CAPER

Writing: Letter practice, word and sentence building

Spellings: 3rd term only

Maths: Worksheet

Children will get reading every night and one other subject


First Class

Time: 20 minutes per night (Monday - Thursday)

Reading: 1-2 pages per night and CAPER

Writing: 3-6 sentences

Spellings: 3 per night

Maths: 4-6 sums

Tables: Addition tables, 1 per week

Oral Work Talk Time: Term 2 (Tuesday and Thursday nights)


2nd Class

Time 20-25 minutes per night (Monday-Thursday)

Reading: 1-2 pages per night and CAPER

Writing: 1 page of handwriting or 5-10 sentences on a topic or spellings into sentences

Spellings: 3-5 per night

Maths: 6-8 sums 

Tables: Take Away (Subtraction) tables, 1 table per week

Oral work: Talk Time - Term 2 (Tuesday and Thursday nights)


3rd Class

Time: 30-35 minutes per night (Monday-Thursday nights

Reading: 1-2 pages

Writing: 10 sentences approx

Spellings: 3-5 per night

Maths: 8-10 sums

Tables: Multiplication -1 per week

Irish reading: 1 page per week-revision

Irish spellings: 2 per night

Oral work: Talk Time - Term 2 (Tuesday and Thursday nights)


4th Class

Time: 40 minutes per night (Monday -Thursday)

Reading: 2 pages

Writing 1 page approx, based on English/History/Geography

Spellings 3-5

Maths: 8-10 sums

Tables: Multiplication/Division  tables, 1 per week

Irish Reading: Revision of work done in class

Irish Writing: Revision of work done in class

Irish Spellings: 2-3 per night

Oral Work: Talk Time - Term 2 (Tuesday and Thursday nights)


5th Class

Time 1 hour per night (Monday-Thursday)

Reading:2 pages

Writing: 1 page approx. based on English/History/Geography

Occasional project work

Spellings: 5 per night

Maths: 5-10 sums

Tables: Revision of multiplication and division tables

           Decimal tables

Irish Reading: 1 paragraph

Irish Writing: Revision of work done in class

Irish Spellings: 3-4 per night

Oral Work: Talk Time - Term 2 (Tuesdays and Thursday nights only)


6th Class

Time: 1hr-1 hr 30 minutes per night (Monday - Thursday)

Reading: Revision of reading done in class

Writing: 1 page of creative writing/topic writing or 10 sentences/questions/word meanings

Spellings: 20 per week

Maths: 10 computation or 20 mental maths or 5 problems

Tables: Revision and consolidation of tables

Irish Writing: Revision of work done in class

Irish Spellings: 20 per week

Oral Work: Talk Time - Term 2 (Tuesday and Thursday nights)