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Holy Spirit GNS, Ballymun, Dublin

News - Third Class

24th Jun 2024
On Friday, Ms. Crehan made a very special presentation to the winners from our school...
13th Jun 2024
3rd class did some gardening this week and identified some wildflowers. We planted...
8th May 2024
Our 3rd, 5th and 6th class girls enjoyed the Ballymun Running Festival fun run today...
21st Mar 2024
Thank you for all the support!
19th Mar 2024
Coots, Moorhens, Swans, mallards, drakes, diving birds, gulls, rooks, magpies, robins...
12th Mar 2024
Mr Parsons' class are enjoying learning some new moves during Seachtain na Gaeilge.
12th Mar 2024
3rd class are studying all kinds of nature this year with our expert mentor "Mouse".
12th Mar 2024
3rd class went to the library last week for a storytelling session and to explore...
13th Feb 2024
We all enjoyed a disco on yard today! There was great energy, fun and dancing led...